lundi 29 juillet 2013

3 Simple Ways to Burn More Calories

If weight loss is your goal, then to burn calories is the name of the game. It is actually a combination of eating fewer calories and spend more. With this in mind, here are three simple ways you can start to burn more calories and keep your metabolism revved up throughout the day.

1. Burn calories in traffic

If you drive or use transit can easily work your muscles - here's how.
While sitting, tighten the muscles isometric (meaning that there is no movement, only a contraction) and hold for 10-15 seconds. Relax a few seconds and repeat several times.

You will notice that your body temperature begins to rise and then you will increase your metabolism. Anything that can increase the temperature of your body will help you burn more calories. And despite pitching in a game of snow in summer may seem logical, static is certainly feasible and effective!

2. Crouch out!

Arriving at the office, before sitting at their table, take a moment and do 20 squats next to his chair. Repeat this movement several times during the day. It may be more difficult for your body with a weighted backpack or go very slowly to increase the burn.


3. Be a smart snacker

Instead of choosing options for last minute snacks like cookies, muffins, bagels, choose fresh vegetables and nuts and seeds. Remember, a diet healthy weight loss is critical to your success. This is where most people completely lose their progress.
A simple way to do this is to take a couple of minutes last night and cut vegetables such as peppers, celery, cucumbers. They are excellent sources of fiber, water and tons of nutrients. Store in a ziploc bag or tupperware and you're ready to go.
In addition, prepare a half-handful of sunflower seeds / pumpkin, almonds and walnuts (if allergies are present) and snack throughout the day. They are an excellent source of omega-3 and 6 essential fatty acids help to stabilize blood sugar. As a result, you will not feel as hungry and will be less likely to ask for unhealthy snacks.

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